About Us

The Eye Foundation for Research in Ophthalmology (the Foundation), is a non-governmental and non-profit organization established in 1995, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Services And Equipment

The Eye Center is a fully-equipped examination and treatment center, furnished with extensive, state-of-the art equipment and Laser machines including Biomicroscopes, Argon-Krypton Laser, Excimer Laser, YAG Laser, etc.

Ten Examination Rooms

Each Examination room is fully-equipped with state-of-the-art ophthalmic equipment.

Three Optometry Rooms

for refraction and contact lens fitting.

Screening Room

for the assessment of visual acuity and performing autorefraction.

Minor Surgery Room

is for minor surgical procedures such as an entropion, ectropion, chalazion, pterygium, anti-VEGF (Avastin) injection, etc. Read more...

Refractive Surgery Operating Room

The Laser equipment available at The Eye Center is the VISX STAR S4 IR® (AMO) Excimer Laser System (Advanced CustomVue® technology) for the correction of myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism, and UVX machine for corneal crosslinking procedure. Read more...

The Laser Rooms

are equipped with YAG laser and HGM Spectra K-5 Yellow-Red Green Retinal Ophthalmic Laser. The Argon Laser room has Focal laser and PRP for diabetic retinopathy, and PASCAL® Synthesis™ TWINSTAR (577 nm) photocoagulation for retinal tears. Read more...

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)

The unit treats subretinal choroidal neovascular membrane.


It contains a Digital camera for Flourescein angiography and colored photography.

Corneal Topography

is for Epi-Lasik investigation and diagnosing corneal irregularity and keratoconus using the ORBSCAN II (Bausch & Lomb) and Wavescan (VISX Technology). Read more...

Visual Field Room

Humphrey Visual Field machine can make the visual field of patients suffering from glaucoma to assess the optic nerve. In addition, it can perform B.Y visual fields. Read more...

Optical Coherence Tomography

For assessment of the layers of the retina in macular area in biomicroscopic way and it is also pivotal decision making and management of many retinal diseases. In addition, it is important in diagnosis and follow-up of optic nerve diseases and nerve fiber layer in glaucoma patients. Read more...


Ultrasonography machine provides the calculation of the power of the intraocular lens (IOL) and screening of retina and optic nerve and vitreous of the eye. Read more...

Electrophysiology Room

It is equipped with diagnostic device that examines the function of retina visual pathway performing all standard tests like Electroretinogram (ERG) Electrooculogram (EOG) and Visual Evoked (VEP). Read more...

Refractive Surgery Unit

Advance and safe refractive surgery procedures can be done with excellent professional experiences and modern advanced equipment including surface ablation with CustomVue ablation utilizing Wavefront analysis Great experience in the management of keratoconus and post-refractive surgery (LASIK) corneal ectasia. Corneal crosslinking for keratoconus, corneal ectasia, post-LASIK ectasia, and for microbial keratitis. Read more...

Excimer Laser System

VISX STAR S4 IR® (AMO) Excimer Laser System (Advanced CustomVue® Technology)

Sterilization (CSSD) Room

Sterilization of Surgery instruments for the Minor and Refractive procedures.

Ocular Microbiology and Cytology

Ocular Microbiology and Cytology is an integral part of proper ophthalmic practice. The Eye Center provides the service of rapid identification of causative agents of infectious eye diseases. This facilitates early specific treatment which avoids the delay of proper therapy which may endanger the health of the eye. We also provide a service for examination of ocular cells to differentiate between causes of eye pathology. Read more...

Clinical Research Facility

Abstract and Table MS Contribution

Through history, Arabs and Muslims have made valuable contribution to medicine and science. The main objective of this study was to assess the contribution of Arab researchers to ophthalmology using bibliometric indicators.

Meet The Doctors

We are proud to be at your service


Dr Khalid F Tabbara

Corneal/External Disease/Uveitis

Samir S. Shoughy, MD, FRCS (Glasg.)

uveitis and cornea/external

Mohammed Mazen Al Sebai, MD

Eye Physician and Surgeon

Free Online Eye Examination

At the end of the eye test you'll be presented with your diagnoses, If you cannot read 20/20 in either eye, then you should schedule an examination with the EYE CENTER



Deal with disorders in the retina resulting from diabetes, hypertension, and other disorders. Retinal services has the facilities of fluorescein angiography, tricolor Argon laser and photodynamic therapy. A Vitreo-retinal consultant supervises this service. The Retina Clinic is held in the afternoon on Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday, as well as Thursday morning. Read more...


This subspecialty deals with the problems of children, particularly to poor vision and squinting in children under the supervision of Consultant in Pediatric ophthalmology. Read more...


This Subspecialty deals with patients suffering from intraocular inflammation of various kind. It also deals with allergic and immune related disorders. Uveitis is a severe form of intraocular inflammation that may cause temporary to permanent visual impairment if not managed properly. This service offers patients care through our Uveitis clinic on Monday and Tuesday under the supervision of a Uveitis consultant. Read more...


Deal with the diagnosis and treatment and follow-up of glaucoma patients. Glaucoma is a condition mostly related to the high pressure of the eye. Sunday and Wednesday are the days dedicated to this service under a Glaucoma consultant. Read more...


These deal with the patients having diseases in the cornea such as corneal ulcers, inflammation of varying degrees, dystrophies, keratoconus, etc. This service is dedicated to offer both medical and surgical treatment of corneal disorders under the supervision of Professor Khalid Tabbara. Refractive surgery (LASIK) is part of this service. Read more...


A wide variety of surgical procedures that deal with the orbit, eyelids, tear duct and the face. It also deals with the reconstruction of the eye and surrounding structures. The surgery is for functional or cosmetic indications. Certain procedures are done to reconstruct the eyelids or orbital structures in a precise manner. Read more...


Refractive Surgery is a method for correcting or improving your vision. There are various surgical procedures for correcting or adjusting your eyes focusing ability by reshaping the cornea. The aim of this advanced surgery is to correct the refractive errors (Myopia, Hyperopia, and Astigmatisms) and eliminate the need for eyeglasses. The procedure may be by laser or by surgery. In certain cases a lens is implanted inside the eye. The Eye Center is equipped with state of the art technology and has 20 year experience with refractive surgery. Read more...

The Eye Center and The Eye Foundation for research in Ophthalmology

The Eye Center
P.O. BOX 55307, Riyadh 11534,
Saudi Arabia.

3818 Makkah Al Mukarramah Branch Road, Al Olaya, Riyadh 12311
(Near Hyper Panda Supermarket)

For Appointment:

Telephone : 00-966-11-464-9614
Fax : 00-966-11-464-9614
Email : info@eyecenter.sa
